• 5205 W 84th TERRACE, PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS 66207
  • 913-766-0877


Many firms across the country that previously declared no interest in merging are now actively engaged in merger discussions with other firms. According to the AICPA 2016 succession survey:

  • 35 percent of the CPA firm owners surveyed by the AICPA will retire by 2020
  • In the next five years, data show that 57.5% of the firms said they would have one-quarter or more of their ownership in transition and 27.8% will have half or more of their ownership in transition

A merger, if planned and executed well, will provide substantial advantage for the merged firms and their respective staff and clients. A merger of any kind - upstream merge, merger of equals, merger for succession, merger for practice development or niche acquisition - requires a significantly different form of investigation and analysis than an acquisition or sale.

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